Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Jake Gyllenhaal is fine no matter what he does. He could not shave and wear a trash bag for six weeks and still look hot. For his upcoming epic, Prince of Persia, Jake buffed up beyond the call of duty and made me heart weaker with each bicep curl. Jake now tells us a little about how he got his fine physique. He tells People:
"[I] never did anything this intensive before [to change my body]. It’s a physical role. And when I commit to playing a part, it’s 110 percent. We worked really closely with David Belle, who invented Parkour. I worked with a lot of gymnasts. I started jumping off of a lot of things that were padded and learned the fundamental stuff, and then slowly started working on harder surfaces, really carefully. And I’d say, ‘OK, I’ll try it,’ and then I’d say, ‘OH GOD. OH, please.’ But then I’d get it, and we’d go a little further and a little longer and a little higher and just kept it up...It got a little bit dicey there near the end, when they saw that I liked doing things that were dangerous. I tried my hand at things that were pushing it a little bit. There was this big 35 foot jump that I did that got a little hairy.”

No cheating with steroids for our boy Jakey. He is an excellent actor, so it's no wonder he would go the distance to push himself phsically for a role. TAKE YOU PANTS OFF, JAKE! Oh, excuse me for that outburst. [source]

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