Remember when she was just funny and talented? Well, Whoopi Goldberg is seriously disturbed these days. Recently Governor Mike Huckabee made some VERY ignorant, well documented statements to The College New Jersey's paper
The Perspective about gays wanting to adopt. He compared same-sex marriage to incest and polygamy, then he said that gays who want to parent should remember that "
children are not puppies". Really? Good to know. Well Whoopi, who has defended Roman Polanski and Jesse James in recent past, says she doubts that Huckabee said these things because he is a "
smart guy". WHAT? Clearly not. Joy Behar and even Sherri Sheppard set Whoopi straight on Huckabee right then and there. Huckabee tried to discredit the college paper by the way, saying that the paper "
attempt(ed) to sensationalize my well known and hardly unusual views of same-sex marriage.." The paper released the tapes of the Governor Huckabee interview and stated,"..
his words speak for themselves, and it is a shame that he is now so quickly embarrassed of them." He didn't deny the statements he made, by the way. So suck it, Whoopi! Find someone decent to defend and quit making ignorant statements on a national talk show. Watch the video from The View below. [
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