Thursday, April 8, 2010


Kyra Phillips, a prominent CNN reporter, interviewed an "ex-gay" named Richard Cohen this week about an outdated California law still on the books that calls homosexuality a mental disorder or disease that can be cured. Cohen was in support of keeping that law. Apparently many people thought he was an inappropriate guest, and Kyra confesses that he was, but she also takes time to scold the hateful messages she was sent. Kyra Phillips is a longtime supporter of all human rights issues, including the LGBT issues, and she thinks it was outrageous that she got such violent, hateful feedback on the story. To counter the crazy-ass comments in support of the law in California by Cohen, Phillips had on Dr. Clinton Anderson of the American Psychological Association to counter those arguments. Here is the interview with Anderson and Phillips stating that she thought that the bill was obviously absurd without having to explain her position and giving her detractors what-for and explaining exactly what journalism is. It's pretty well said and she is right to defend herself. Watch. [source]

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