Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Disgusting excuse for a human being, Ugandan politician David Bahati who introduced the "kill the gays" bill has been officially UN-invited to the national prayer breakfast in Washington DC. Ambassador Richard Swett has confirmed that Bahati is no longer welcome to the meeting taking place on February 4th. His invitation was first extended in October, before the bill was introduced. Swett added, "The National Prayer Breakfast is an organization that builds bridges of understanding between all peoples, religions and beliefs and has never advocated the sentiments expressed in Mr. Bahati’s legislation.” The group that puts together the breakfast is an organization known as The Fellowship Foundation, aka "The Family", an evangelical Christian group (of assholes) who are actually tied very closely to the development of the "kill the gays" bill. The bill, by the way, calls for the death penalty for "serial offenders" of homosexuality. It is expected to pass with a few changes, like life sentences instead of death. Add to the list of countries we should stop trading with immediately. F-U-ganda!!! I say we drop plane loads of every season of Queer as Folk on their asses and watch them freak out. [source]

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