During the filming of The Runaways, my most anticipated movie of the year (or at least the next couple of months) Dakota Fanning had to do the unspeakable!! At the tender age of 15 she had to look death directly in the face, and by death I mean Kristen Stewart, and MAKE OUT WITH IT!!! AAAHHHHH!!!! But seriously, folks, she did. Kristen Stewart tells Access Hollywood that she wasn't allowed to go hog-wild on poor little Dakota though. She explains, "She was 15, and I wasn't allowed to grope her. I'm actually not kidding, there are major restrictions that I don't remember (from) when I was younger. I don't want to give anything way. It's a really passionate, hardcore scene." Maybe you don't remember because you look 75 years old, but there have been laws like that forever, Kristen. I am sure Dakota was relieved when that news came down. I still wanna see this rockin' movie though. I can't wait for this movie to come out. (I say it every freakin' time)
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