Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Idol has plenty of staying power it seems. This season's debut last night on Fox easily put up the highest ratings of any telecast this season. Nielsen is saying that according to preliminary nationals the two-hour AI premier averaged 29.8 million viewers overall, which is bigger than last season's kickoff ratings. The premier was pretty good, if not standard for American Idol. Lots of losers (Mad Guy, Lesbian-ish Girl, Crazy Hair Girl) and some heartwarming moments (Cancer Guy, My-Brothers-have-Down-Syndrome Girl, My-Grandma-has-Alzheimer's Girl) and some good voices t'boot. Posh told Simon off a little, Kara told some guy she hated his freakin' guts (I'm paraphrasing) and Randy was boring. Episode two is tonight on Fox.

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