Monday, November 2, 2009


"V" was a supes successful mini-series that premiered in 1983 on NBC and fort he past two days
that origanal, the sequel "V: The Final Battle", have been airing on SyFy and since I've been sick (yes, I'm bringing THAT up again) I have been watching them. While the special effects lack some to be desired (it WAS 1983) the story was first rate. The concept behind "V" was a modern retelling of how the Nazis rose to power in Germany inspired by Sinclair Lewis' novel "It Can't Happen Here". Instead of Nazies, it's an alien race of lizard-like beings that have come to harvest humans to use as food!! I hope the new series premiering on Tuesday at 8 PM will carry on where those two mini-series left off and NOT where the failed series of "V" which aired in 1984. That show had many of the original actors that made both mini-series so effective, but failed to carry on the success. We'll see how ABC does this time around. "V" will be showing internationally. In Australia on the Nine network (time to be announced), the UK on SciFi in early 2010, Canada on CTV on November 3rd, and also in Ireland and Sweden. Check it out, might be good.

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