Friday, January 15, 2010


Lady Gaga, diva deluxe, was scheduled to perform last night at Purdue University in Indiana but had to cancel at the last minute when she suddenly was having trouble breathing. Paramedics were called to the scene and discovered that her heart was beating irregularly. Gaga took to her twitter to appologize to fans and beg their forgiveness. She tweeted, "I've been crying for hours, I feel like I let my fans down 2nite. An hour before the show, I was feeling dizzy and having trouble breathing." Poor Gaga later added, "Paramedics came to take care of me, and told me my heart-rate was irregular - a result of exhaustion and dehydration. I can't apologise enough for how sorry I am. I could hear my fans cheering from my dressing room, I begged everyone to let me go onstage." Gaga!! Don't you dare worry. You have given us countless hours of enjoyment and have run yourself into the ground as a result. She later said, "I hope you can forgive me. I love my little monsters more than anything, you are everything to me." We forgive you a million times, Gaga. You can do no wrong. Take care of yourself. We want at least 100 more years of music from you!! [source]

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