Monday, January 18, 2010


Jessica Biel, of late bumping uglies with Justin Timberlake, fears she may be to ho-hum and not enough 'ho to get work in Hollywood. Thinking of following in the footsteps of such great actresses as Megan Fox, Lindsey Lohan and Kathrine Hepburn (okay, not that one), Jessica is considering an image change to give her career a boosty...... sort of. Maybe not. Biel says, "I might just be way too boring to ever be a really great actress.” When her interiewer at Vogue suggested she kick up some dust and make some noice, Jessica thinks that might not be a bad idea. " “I don’t do that. Maybe I should do a little bit more of that. A dust kicker-upper might be kind of fun." If you remember, Jessica tried to whore it up a few years back, posing topless while still a minor to try to get out of her contract with her then hit tv show 7th Heaven. She didn't get out and it was a huge embarasment to all her family. (even though she looked hot as hell) Biel explains,"It was terribly embarrassing. I had to apologize to everybody, including my parents. It was a big learning experience - learning how to have boundaries and how to say no." I knda hope Jessica does get out more. She is pretty and as talented as many other young actresses. Be a 'ho!! [source]

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