In response to a Toronto police officer's statement that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized", a group of 2,000 self-proclaimed Cadadian SLUTS took to the streets in protest and to "take the power away from (the work slut) harming us and damaging us". I get what their point is, but this is freakin' funny!!! I agree that a woman should be able to dress however she wants without the fear of being sexually assaulted, but I don't know any woman (until now) that WANTS to be called a slut. I know a lot that ARE, and most of them are very near and dear to me. If guys were called sluts more often I'm sure I'd be walking around with a scarlet "S" on my chest too. WHERE'S MY SLUT PARADE????? Most gay guys are sluts, so it's not really a big deal to us. Anyway, below is video from the event. SLUTS FOREVER!
Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that calling an event "Slut Walk" was the best idea, but I get the meaning behind it. I don't think dressing in a provocative manner makes you a slut, so they should have called it something else. I enjoyed reading your opinion on it.
This movement is so misguided. Here's my argument --
Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not saying that calling an event "Slut Walk" was the best idea, but I get the meaning behind it. I don't think dressing in a provocative manner makes you a slut, so they should have called it something else. I enjoyed reading your opinion on it.