Friday, April 29, 2011


I have not been following the goings-on of the Royal Wedding and totally forgot that it was happening this morning. Now, while I would not get up that early to watch ANYONE get married, mostly because I am still legally prohibited from getting married in my own country, I do think that William and Kate are a sweet, dashing couple. Kate is gorgeous! Could there actually be a beautiful queen one day? Everyone thought it would be Diana, so let's keep our fingers crossed for Kate. Anyway, here is the kiss heard 'round the world....well, around the houses and apartments watching it on tv. Is is just me or have most people had more passionate kisses with their grandmothers? I guess the royals aren't ones to get full-on toungey on the tele. It's sweet though. Congrats to the happy couple! I guess that's that. OH!!!!! Would it have killed them to put Prince Harry in the shot??? I'll just put him on here.

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