Tuesday, April 5, 2011


In 1986 Donna Allen had the one-hit wonder status thrust upon her due to her AMAZY single Serious. It really rocks. The video, however, is a hot mess with mustard on it. Looking like a genetic mash-up of Chaka Khan and all of the Pointer Sisters who hired a bad stylist, Donna spends the entire video in a yellow unitard (that was apparently so hot she wore it for the album cover shown) with a concho belt over it that she bought on a reservation in New Mexico for half-price. Even though the film came out two years ealier, all the boys and dancers in the video look like they were typed-out from a call for Breakin' 2: Electic Boogaloo. Sadness. Also, it seems Donna has some serious anger issues because as the video goes on she verbally and physically assaults her boyfriend and a couple of male and female dancers. What did they do? If you should assault anyone it's the stylist for this mess-and-a-half. Lots of fan kicks, layouts and aerial cartwheels ensue. Thank goodness the song rocks! As I said, Donna was a one-hit wonder. I think people were scared of what her next video would be like. You may want to listen without watching first, because when you see this...WOOOOOOO!!!!!

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