Friday, February 5, 2010


A group called One Million Moms, a project of the American Family Association, is all up in a tizzy over some Armani Exchange ads that show a bunch of hotties getting up close and personal. The ads feature a straight couple, a lesbian couple and a gay couple and they're all hot pieces of azz. Well, the OMMs are worried about their kids becoming whores from looking at pictures. The group writes, "Malls, where teens hang out, have retailers whose window displays poison our children with 10-foot posters that are nothing but soft p*rn. In particular, Armani Exchange has recently displayed Valentine's posters with partially dressed 'couples' holding one another. These couples consist of two men, a man and woman, and two women. The women are scantily dressed while it is questionable if the men have any clothes on at all. Two of these models are used a couple of times to represent bis*xuals. If it could get any worse the text written is 'SHARE THE LOVE." What's with the *s? Hilarious. Wouldn't it be awful if people shared the love?? What a horrible thing. ha. Look, I was once a teenager and just because I saw a picture of something it didn't mean I was going to do it. Heaven knows looking at the straight or lesbian couple does NOT make me want a chick any more than I did before I saw it. Phillip Cosby of the National Coalition for the Protection of Children and Families (because we're after them, right?) states, "It is not just commercialism and unfortunately it is predatory in its nature. If people are offended by those ads they can go to their local prosecutor and file a complaint for promotion of obsenity to a minor." Gross. Get a life, people. I don't want you getting your fanatical, hate-spewing all over my kids either. (I don't have any, but if I did....) [source and images]

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