Monday, December 7, 2009


Tom Ford, designer and now possible nominee for Best Director at every awards show in the world for his directorial debut, A Single Man, and fellow Texan is the hottest man ever since the beginning of time. I mean really!! This man revolutionized menswear and now he is a fantasic filmmaker, getting raves for his movie and could be a model. It's not fair, but it's oh-so-right. Tom and his partner, journalist Richard Buckley, have been together for 20 years which means I hate Richard Buckley. KIDDING!! I think it's nice that two such successful gay men could have a committed relationship for so long. See people, it works!! Anyway, here are some other images that I cannot put on this page for fear of offending y'all. ha. Naked butts, not semi-sex and naked movie stars.

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