Tuesday, February 2, 2010


WHO CARES!!!!???? Most gay people who are at the point of knowing they want to get married who are attending church probably know whether or not their pastor/preacher/whatever is against gay marriage. Supporters of same-sex marriage in California fighting Prop 8 want to make it very clear to religious leaders that there will be no legal action against clergy who refuse to perform wedding ceremonies for gay couples. Sounds reasonable to me. Who would want to FORCE someone to marry them anyway? That would just be pathetic. The bill's author, California Senator Mark Leno states, "We heard through the Prop 8 debate great concern from certain clergy that their freedom of religion could be infringed upon and their tax-exempt status revoked. We want to clarify that by putting the constitution guarantee of the First Amendment, freedom of religion, into the statute." Well, seems to me that most of those "religions" should have their tax-exemption taken away anyway for the amount of money they took from their ministries to use in the fight against equality. Anyway...... This bill is a very good idea though and Senator Leno is smart for thinking of this, putting it out of a "moral" question and making it what it IS.... a legal issue. Equality is a must for America to continue as a world leader. [source]

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