Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lady Gaga, Paparazzi

Have you seen the new video for Paparazzi by Lady Gaga? It is supes amazy!!! You must take a look-see. It's an epic story of love, lust, betrayal and weird-ism. As a bone-us Alexander Skarsgard (the yummola Eric from True Blood) is her "love interest" in the short flick. Lady Gaga is so cool. I love everything she has done, and whether she has a teeny weenie or not (she doesn't!! c'mon) I am obsessed with her! I hope she does have a penis. THERE! I SAID IT!!! Anyway, here's a link to Lady Gaga's Paparazzi vid. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOrKLUlh-To ) AND you can buy it on iTunes (and you should). Did you notice I'm in the pic above? Hilrarical!!!!

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