Sex and the City is one of the greatest television shows to EVER be aired. It's a classic: funny, smart, sophisticated, raunchy and touching. The four main characters took us on a journey during it's six seasons on HBO that made them a part of our lives in a way few shows have. The influence and legacy are undeniable. When the first SATC movie came out, I was as excited as anyone. I got tickets with a girlfriend of mine and we went to the midnight showing. It was exactly what I expected it to be. I LOVED it and have watched it repeatedly since then. What made it so enjoyable wasn't that it was an Oscar caliber film, it was that we got to see what happened to Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda after we last saw them. The first film was dark and more complicated than the series as a whole, but don't forget there were plenty of dark times for our girls in those six years. Now, two years since we have last seen them, the girls are back and things have changed drastically for them. Carrie and Big have now been married for two years and wondering if the "sparkle" is gong from their relationship. Miranda and Steve are back on track in their marriage, but Miranda's new boss is a dick and she is wondering if her work is making her miss out too much on her family. Charlotte is overwhelmed with being a mother of two and worried that her bodacious Irish nanny is too hot for Harry. Samantha is still Samantha, but now she is having to deal with menopause and taking enough pills to choke a horse (but not Samantha) to ward it off. Is this movie perfect? No. Is this movie right down silly in some places? Yes. Am I still invested so much in these characters that I couldn't take my eyes off the screen? DUH!!!! This is Sex and the City 2, not Sense and Sensibility. What the hell do these (mostly straight male) reviewers expect when they go see this movie? I really want to know!! You hear complaints about this and that, but no one says what they missed. There isn't a goddamn thing missing. That's why. This film has humor, drama, relationships, sex, slapstick and heart like you wouldn't believe. I will agree that some of the situations are flat out unbelievable, but there are also moments that rival the best that SATC the series had to offer. The girls look a little older, but THIS JUST IN: THEY ARE OLDER, and that is what makes me even more intersted in what is going to happen in their lives. Let's face it, none of us are getting any younger. Sarah Jessica Parker is still captivating as Carrie. Her complexitites get more interesting as she ages and her presence on screen is wonderful. Cynthia Nixon, once again, anchors this movie is a way that only she could. Her portrayal of Miranda gets lighter in this film and she has so much more fun. There is a stand-out scene between Kristin Davis, who really gets some meaty stuff this time around to sink her teeth into, and Nixon towards the last half of the film where they talk about being mothers and how hard it is that is the best, funniest, most touching in the whole movie. Kim Cattrall is still having a freaking ball playing the horny, outspoken Samantha. I also don't think this is a movie for people who don't already love SATC as a franchise, nor should it be. This movie is for the fans. This movie is for women and gay men, period. They know their audience, and we need to quit being dicks to them and enjoy it for what it's worth. So got see SATC2 and like it, or you have proven yourself a jerk of the highest degree.
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