Well, we have come to the end of our 12 hour Madonna cycle for this historic week in Madonna-ness. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and put half the love into I have. It's always a pleasure to dig into the career of the living legend and musical icon of this generation. Here are three more of my favorite Madonna songs and videos to leave you with on this amazing day. Enjoy:
Vogue in an undeniable pop classic, one of Madonna's most successful singles and has glamour running out of it's ass! Originally released in 1990 on the album I'm Breathless (Music from and inspired by the film Dick Tracy), Vogue was written originally to be a B-side for the single
Keep It Together from Like a Prayer. Shep Pettibone and Madge wrote it, but the record company thought it was too good to be a B-Side and so they included on the I'm Breathless album, adding in the middle spoken part about classic movie stars to tie-in with the theme of the album. I think anyone worth their salt knows that part of Vogue. If you don't, you must be a deaf nerd. The song reached No. 1 on the Hot 100 and also reached No. 1 in 30 countries. It was a record at the time for Madonna. (Since taken over by Hung Up which hit No. 1 in 45 countries). The video is thought by many to be one of Madonna's greatest. Shot in black and white with bright, beautiful lighting, Madonna and her dancers "vogue" and dance their way through several setups inspired by 1930s Hollywood and the Art deco artist Tara de Lempicka. The song and video are, dare I say, pop masterpieces that have really stood the test of time. Enjoy Vogue.
Madonna - Vogue by zocomoroJanuary 30, 1985, a day that will live in infamy. Madonna was just becoming a mega-star and her album and song
Like A Virgin were killing it everywhere, then the second single is released and she'd never live down the title:
Material Girl. The song is supposed to be an ironic statement about NOT being materialistic, but everyone just sort of ignored that and started called Madonna "The Material Girl" for the next, oh, FOREVER years. The song, of course, shot up the charts and is one of the classics in Madge's cannon of songs, but she's said many times if she'd known she would forever be called "The Material Girl" she would have never released the damn song. Well, I am glad she did. The video and song are iconic and it nudged her along the road to super stardom. Here is the legendary video for the song
Material Girl. Enjoy!
Madonna - Material Girl by jpdc11
RAIN is one of the bestestest songs ever by God..er...um..Madonna. This song is from Madge's 1992 album Erotica (also one of her best) and is simply gorge!! It's Gorge Washington; Gorge Jefferson; Gorge of the Jungle. GORGEOUS!! If you don't like this song you are either deaf or you should be. I probably listened to this song on repeat about a million times when I first got the album, and I have consistently loved it ever since. Probably my second fave Madge overall. Take a listen and look. Interesting fact: The video was shot in black and white and then hand painted, frame by frame. Really beautiful colors and texture. Madonna, of course, looks beyond stunning. Enjoy
Rain or don't ever speak to me again.
Madonna - Rain by foxysoul
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