Thursday, February 11, 2010


Seriously, not since the days of "Must See TV" has there been a more enjoyable lineup of shows on television. In The Middle, Modern Family and Cougar Town are lined up for your pleasure on Wednesday nights and I have to say, they are pefectly alligned. Each one gets a little more "adult" as the night goes on starting off with one of the funniest family comedies I can remember, In The Middle. A calm dad, frustrated mom, and three eccentric kids. Patricia Heaton is so good in this show I almost forget she is a crazy Republican. Modern Family is so hilarious I catch myself laughing outloud all the time. That doesn't happen that often with tv shows anymore. They also have the funniest gay couple ever written for television (not that there is a big contest going on there). Cougar Town (paired with my obsession with Courtney Cox) is my fave show on television right now. I adore every character. It's like masterbation for laughing. Too much? Fine. It's true though. After watching this night of television, I'm spent. Watch it. Don't be a loser. Starts Wednesdays at 8:30 MY time, which is the only time that counts.


  1. "Patricia Heaton is so good in this show I almost forget she is a crazy Republican."


    So I should say for almost every other show on TV "I can almost forget [actor/actress] is a nutbag Liberal/psycho Scientologist" ?? Give people props where they are due, and leave the name calling out of it...

  2. No offense meant, I am a "nutbag liberal" myself. Ha. Not a psycho scientologist though. They are worse than Republicans. I am just poking fun at Patricia. I really like her work and her for the most part, but in my blog I often use biting humor. I don't mean to hurt anyone though. I talk about psycho scientologists too! ha.
