"And maybe this is the time to share a secret that I've kept for a very long time. I killed someone once. Not in this region. Not in our East Midlands, but not so far away. He was a young chap. He'd been my lover. And he got AIDS, and inthe hospital one hot afternoon, the doctor said 'there's nothing we can do.' And he was in terrible, terrible pain. And I said to the doctor, 'leave me, just for a bit,' and he went away, and I picked up the pillow and smothered him till he was dead. Doctor came back. I said 'he's gone.' Nothing more was ever said."
So sad, but many people would do the same for a loved one in that situation. I don't know what I would do, but I would like to think if I was in misery, somewhat would help me. When asked if he had any regrets about his actions, Gosling said:
"Absolutely none. He was in terrible pain - I was there and I saw it. It breaks you into pieces. I don't think it's a crime. If he was looking down on me now he would be proud that I did it and proud I've told other people. Some [of the man's family] know, some don't. It's best that way. Let it be."
Police are currently investigating the case. [source and image]
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