Filming has been halted on the new film Eloise in Paris due to some legal disputes. The film was supposed to start productin in February, but there is a breach of contract issue with Uma Thurman's Karuna Dream, Inc. company. No details have been made public, but Uma's contract has been filed and TheSmokingGun.com has obtained a copy. There is some interesting stuff in it that makes you wonder what the hell happened to Uma in other contracts. For instance, Uma's "name or likeness" is not be used in merchandising deals for products including "
tobacco, weapons, religious items, personal hygiene products, intimate apparel, porn, gambling, pet food and stomach or rectal medications." WHAT THE HELL MOVIE HAS UMA BEEN IN THAT USED HER NAME OR LIKENESS FOR RECTAL MEDICATION ADS? DID I MISS THIS? SOMEONE FIND IT AND SEND IT TO ME, LIKE, YESTERDAY!!! I love that Uma has been around long enough to protect herself from basically every possible bad thing that could happen to her. Maybe Eloise in Paris is planning a line of enemas or butt plugs? Who knows. [
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