Lady Gaga fans to not mess around. We are serious and we are coming atcha!! Ha. Gaga's legion on minions known as "monsters" have adopted a gang sign to identify themselves as her followers. The "Monster Claw" is the "gnarled, palsied hand sign" that is being used from Lady Gaga's Bad Romance video. Apparently fans are throwing up the sign all through Gaga's Monster Ball Tour to show they are in the house. It's equivalent to the "rock on" sign you see at many heavy metal shows or the two-handed
"W" at Weezer shows. So if you see a claw in the air, claw back. Gaga is takin' over the world. [
Oh, baby! Gaga is a musical GENIUS! Y'all are hatin' cause you can't appreciate an artist BECOMING her own work of art ;D