It's pretty well known by now that Mel Gibson is a drunken, stupid, antisemite, but apparently HE doesn't know that we know. At a recent interview about his new film, of which I will not say the name because I don't want to support it, Gibson became furious when reporter Sam Rubin from L.A.'s KTLA5, a Jewish reporter, asked him about his boozy rant against Jews back in 2006. Rubin pointed out, "Some people will welcome you back, some people will say you should never come back." Gibson got all prissy and asked, "Why?", to which Rubin replied, "Because of what happened before. The remarks that were attributed to you." Mel slobbered, "The remarks that were attributed to me. I didn't necessarily make those comments. I gather you have a dog in this fight? Do you have a dog in this fight? Or are you impartial?"
Who is "impartial" about antisemitism? Gibson clearly knows he DID say those remarks because he publicly apologized for them afterwards and served three years probation for his drunken night of driving and verbally assaulting an officer. At least it ALLEGEDLY got him to stop drinking. Face it, Mel, you made your bed, now lie it it, bitch.[
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