FINALLY!! Is Obama going to actually make a statement about something he promised to make a statement about a long time ago? I'll believe it when I see it. The announcement of congressional hearings concerning the ban on the rights of homosexuals to openly serve in the military has been postponed at the request of President Obama until after his Wednesday night State of the Union Address. Seems the President may state that military leaders will support changing the law, according to some lawmakers. There are hearings expected on the issue with military leaders, outside wintesses and panes of junior officers, says Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, the committee chairman. Levin expects Obama's announcement to be about the administration's intentions on the subject. Levin believes that a big difference can be made by having the junior officers testify because there are "generational differences" in views of gays and lesbians serving out country. I mean, to be logical, men and women have been serving in the military, so I don't see why anyone would care about homosexuals serving. Any man or woman who wants to fight for and defend our country should be welcomed with open arms. Why does it matter? If it matters to you, maybe YOU are the one who is questioning your sexuality. Scared to be in the barracks with a same-sex hottie? Would YOU be to tempted? Ask yourself these questions. Maybe that is the root of YOUR bigotry.
Equality is coming, and she is PISSED!! [
Amen. It's about time. I hope it goes through quickly and without a peep. It's so obvious!!!