The first day of the defense case in the Prop 8 trial took place yesterday in California. The Prop 8 proponents (that's the ones AGAINST equality, aka BIGOTS) are trying to paint gays and lesbians as a powerful political group with politicians and organizations pushing for their rights. WHAT??? Wouldn't we have them by now if that were true?
Anyhoosers, Dr. Kenneth Miller, professor political science at
Claremont McKenna College, thinks that the gay community has increasing influence in American politics, pushing anti-discrimination laws, adoption rights, federal hate crimes legislation and domestic partnerships in several states. He defines "political powerlessness" as having "no ability to attract attention of the lawmakers". You can attract attention all day long, but until you get someone to back you, it's useless. Miller stated when asked if gays have "political powerlessness" that he does not. He believes we have power. The expert for the plaintiff, Dr. Gary
Segura from Stanford University, testified quite differently. He found through his research that gays are greatly lacking in political power and explained the above mentioned laws as, "“attempts to redress discrimination, to ameliorate a disadvantage. … While it’s good to have [these laws], it’s difficult to conclude that’s a measure of political power in itself.” Plaintiff's attorney David
Boies went straight for Miller's credentials as an "expert", citing his last minute research on gay-related legislation and laws on discrimination for the purpose of his original
depostion. Sounds like the plaintiff is making a fool out of the defense. NO MORE H8!!!!
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