One of the big questions posed today at the Prop 8 trial going on in California was: Do any scholars assert that permitting same-sex marriage would result in a lower rate of heterosexual marriage? Well, it seems the defense had no answer for that except there WASN'T ANY!! Also expert testimony AGAIN for the umpteenth time in the trial has shown that all research points to the fact that gay marriage can only strengthen a same-sex relationship and build a more stable environment for their family. Defense witness David
Blankenhorn tried to twist words around by saying that the "core" purpose of marriage is to fulfill a child's need "to be emotionally, morally, practically and legally affiliated with the woman and the man whose sexual union brought the child into the world." Really? What about adopted children? Are they not fulfilled because their adopted parents didn't bring them into the world? What about marriages that don't result in children? What is the purpose of marriage then? Does that mean that marriage isn't necessary? How does THAT protect the sanctity of marriage?
Blankenhorn added, "That is not all that marriage is or does, but nearly everywhere on the planet that in fundamentally what marriage is." Well I call bullshit on that. People get married all the time without the slightest intention of having kids. Some kids are raised by two HORRIBLE opposite-sex parents. Unmarried straight people have kids all the time. I don't see the bigoted right-wingers and fanatics who hide behind the bible running around snatching up their children because they feel it's immoral. I recall reading in the bible something about "let he who is without sin cast the first stone," and "judge not lest ye be judged". A good parent is a good parent: gay, straight, whatever. A child wants to be loved and to give love. Gay couples have proven time and time again that they are wonderful parents. Besides, parenting has no place as far as I'm concerned in a trial about gay marriage. [
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