DAY 14: Well, last night was a total blast, but I definitely broke the cleanse. I didn't go hog wild by any means, especially considering my past. Ha. I did, however, over a 5-6 hour period have four vodka/sodas and a half a glass of champagne. So what I'm deciding today is this:
Do I feel better:
A) Completely clear-headed, energetic & thin
B) After four vodka/sodas and a half a glass of champagne

Of course the answer is
A. Duh. BUT, two of our best friends in the whole world are getting married at the end of this month and last night at a drag restaurant (Lucky Cheng's is one of the funnest, most politically incorrect places to dine in the universe) and cruising around the East Village was the perfect way to celebrate. We killed it!!!! At least the meal was pretty much right on track for the cleanse, aside from maybe not the perfect oils. So, lesson learned and
I hope I will remember this slightly poisoned feeling the next time I have more drinks than I need to feel my very best. No, I
WILL remember it. Moving on to Day 14: The Fasting!! Sounds like a Stephen King novel. Ha. It's not. No one is going to send in a rabid dog or a self-aware, murderous car to do me in. I woke up at 8:15 this morning and made myself some herbal tea while waiting for hubby to get up, who, btw, did better than me last night drinks-wise. Just saying. Ha. Today is the second fast on the cleanse and I have, believe it or not, been looking forward to it all week. As amazing as I felt last week after the fasting day, I expect a repeat performance this week. I headed down to the Westerly and got hubby and I two cleanser juices to start off our morning. Beets really make a juice sweet and delicious! This one was red!!! (pictured) After a morning grocery run and catching up on Vampire Diaries, hubby and I walked to Lincoln Center to see about getting tickets for the new documentary First Position. We've been dying to see it!! Click
HERE to watch the trailer and read all about it. We got tickets, we saw it and IT WAS AMAZING!!! I cried so many times watching these young performers working toward their dream. It was inspiring. We then visited with on of our friends whose bachelor party it was last night. He is still alive! Ha. Then we came back home. Hubby went to the gym and I decided to shower (finally) and prepare to make juice for tonight and tomorrow morning. Had some herbal tea while it did it, girl. Helped get me to the next juice, which I'll have at 7. I am going to write a bit early today because my funniest friend Ian is coming over tonight to watch our oft-quoted Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion. "Have a Romy & Michelle day!" Okay. The second fasting was pretty easy as well. Heading into the last full week of the cleanse and I can see the finish line now. I am very optimistic that the thinness and feelings of glee and euphoria are going to keep me much healthier into the future. Week 3? Bring it!!!
8:30 AM - Herbal tea
9:00 AM - Cleanser Juice
12:00 PM - Green Juice
3:00 PM - Green Lemonade
5:20 PM - Herbal Tea
7:00 PM - Green Juice
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