DAY 5: First full week of work on the cleanse done! Last heavy workout of the week done! Weekend temptation ahead. Ha. This morning was great. I awoke for my 6 AM workout and had my water w/ lemon, a bathroom stop and I was off. I'm not gonna lie, my upper body workout was a challenge this morning, but then again, Friday workouts are always the hardest, aren't they? As my daily focus says though, "when the going gets tough, the tough get GROUNDED". You have to remember what you goals are the WHOLE time you are doing this cleanse. I'm sure that will come in handy this weekend when I'm at parties and out with friends. Okay. Instead of juicing at home this morning I treated myself to a juice from Westerly (pictured and almost empty) and it was SUPER delicious and ridiculously expensive. Ha. Worth it for a Friday morning though. I wasn't able to read my daily inspiration and affirmation on the train because my hands were full of veggie deliciousness, so when I got to work I sat down and read through them and they lifted me up even higher, y'all! OH!! I KEEP FORGETTING!!!
Stevia is very important. I have it with my tea. It's an all natural sweetener that comes in packets like the artificial sweeteners, but it's all natural and super sweet. You will be uber-satisfied with it!!! My mint tea and
Fleetwood Mac had me working like a champ all morning. Simple lunch, work, work, break for a snack, work, work. Whew. Busy afternoon...NOT. I got home, had a little snack and took what can only be described as an epic nap. SOOOOO good. Finally came dinner and time with my hubby. Let's head into the weekend and kill all those temptations that await.
6:00 AM - Water w/ Lemon and Cayenne. Upper body workout
7:15 AM - SunWarrior Protein w/ Coconut water
8:00 AM - Green Juice
9:50 AM - Mint Herbal Tea w/ Stevia
10:45 AM - SNACK - Brown Rice Cake with Raw Almond Butter
12:00 PM - LUNCH - Carrots and Broccoli w/ Hummus
2:15 PM - SNACK - Handful of mixed nuts
5:00 PM - SNACK - Rice crackers w/ Hummus
7:30 PM - DINNER - Mock Tuna Salad, Black & Red Beans and Sauerkraut w/ Apple Cider Vinegar