Wednesday, April 25, 2012


DAY 3: This morning started off with a bang! After my morning water w/ lemon and cayenne, I was off to the gym for my 6:00 AM workout. When I first got there the nice young lady who works at the front desk decided she wanted to talk to me and it kinda threw my concentration -- well, what little I have at 6 AM -- off kilter. Anyhoo.......the workout went very well, but then after I left the gym I realized I had no idea where my keys were!! AHHH! I ran like my ass was on fire back up to the gym and spent about 10 minutes frantically searching all over the place for my keys until some nice man in the locker room asked me if I was searching for them and told me he saw some keys down in the stretching area on some mats. THERE THEY WERE!! Crisis averted. I ran home to shower and make my morning juice, again, frantically because I was now officially running behind. Of course, "running behind" for me is still about 15 minutes ahead of schedule. I'm a nerd  like that. Oh, then a cab tried to hit me on the way to work, which I handled with the standard New Yorker flipping of the bird and a nicely places expletive. But I digress. Take a deep breath. Move on. On the train I did my morning meditation and read my daily affirmation and "prayer", which is really just putting good thoughts out into the universe. Lunch was awesome (see pic at right and description below) and filled my belly up. The afternoon found me working with a slight headache, which is to be expected at some point during the first few day, but it faded away within an hour. A nice snack at 2:30 held me over until I could get more of my juice at, which I just mixed up with a recipe of my own, at 5:30. It was tart and spicy and me likey a lot! AND finally for dinner I had quinoa salad with Apple Cider Vinegar, avocado and more of the delicious sauerkraut. My husband was FINALLY getting a night at home this week (he is very busy, so the cleanse is even harder for him I think) so we sat and had some quality time after dinner. Yay!! Day 3 and I killed it!!! Stay tuned!

6:00 AM - Water w/ Lemon and Cayenne.  Lower Body Workout
7:20 AM - BREAKFAST - Make Juice, Not War Green Juice and 3 strawberries
9:45 AM - Herbal Tea
10:30 AM - Snack - 1 Apple with Raw Unsalted Almond Butter
12:00 PM - LUNCH - Raw Mock Tuna Salad w/ Organic Ruby Sauerkraut and Raw Apple Cider Vinegar. Water w/ Lemon
2:30 PM - Snack - 10 Gluten-Free Rice Crackers w/ All Natural Hummus
5:30 PM - Cucumber, Celery, Lemon & Ginger juice with cayenne and SunWarrior Plant-based Protein
7:30 PM - Quinoa salad with Apple Cider Vinegar, Sauerkraut and avocado. 

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