Finally an example of a school administration that knows the difference between law and personal morals. Derrick Martin, and 18-year-old senior at Bleckley County HS in Cochran, Georgia will be allowed to bring his boyfriend to is senior prom. He tells The Telegraph that when he initially made the request to bring his guy to the dance he figured it would be too controversial, but much to his surprise, school officials in the small town granted his wish. Principal Michelle Masters told The Telegraph, "you don’t have the right to say no. I don’t judge him. I’m taught not to judge. I have to push my own beliefs to the background." Wow! It's refreshing to see a smart, reasonable person is in charge of the education of the youth of this community. Unlike the bigots who run the school attended by Constance McMillen, the lesbian teen from Itawamba County who has been denied the right to bring her girlfriend to prom, this school's administration keeps the students in mind when making decisions. The Telegraph reports, "even if there is backlash, both educators said they won’t cancel or change their plans for prom. 'It would not be fair to the students' said Charlotte Pipkin, the school's superintendent." Bravo, Bleckley County High School. [
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