Since I was out of town last Friday (seeing the ATP Tennes Tourny in Cincinatti...post and hot tennis player pics to come)I missed my Madonna Friday post. here it is:
RAIN is one of the bestestest songs ever by God..er...um..Madonna. This song is from Madge's 1992 album Erotica (also one of her best) and is simply gorge!! It's Gorge Washington; Gorge Jefferson; Gorge of the Jungle. GORGEOUS!! If you don't like this song you are either deaf or you should be. I probably listened to this song on repeat about a million times when I first got the album, and I have consistently loved it ever since. Probably my second fave Madge overall. Take a listen and look-see at the video here. Interesting fact: The video was shot in black and white and then hand painted, frame by frame. Really beautiful colors and texture. Madonna, of course, looks beyond stunning. Enjoy Rain or don't ever speak to me again.
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